I've led quite a life and traveled many places. The latest stop seems to be with two humans who adore me. I wonder if I get to stay here or where I'll get shipped next. In any case, they adore me and you will, too. Bow to me!

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Christmas in July

Why is it so hot? Was Al Gore really right? Yesterday was finally nice and I got to go on a nice walk around the neighborhood. Mommy and Daddy were annoyed, though because I had to stop every couple feet to sniff this or that and wouldn't keep walking and they kept tripping over me. But I can't help it. I have to sniff. It's my job. I think they're taking me out again later today when it cools off but I hope they aren't expecting me to just trot on down the street like some pathetic prissy show dog. If they wanted that, they shouldn't have gotten a beagle.

I actually had fun on the 4th of July. The neighbors block off our street and we grill out and set our chairs in the middle of the street so we can watch the fireworks at the end of the evening. The radio even plays music during the whole display. I wasn't scared at all during the whole thing, even when people in our street were setting off their own fireworks. I just sat under Mommy's legs under the chair and then eventually on Daddy's lap. The neighbors all fell in love with me, of course. Luckily, the evil lady from across the street wasn't there so I had fun. Then, Daddy had me howl during the last note of the final song and everyone loved it. I'm sure I made their evening.

Meanwhile, they are thwarting me again. They bought a baby gate so that when they leave, I can't go upstairs and knock the doors open and root through things. Plus, I like to pee on the carpet up there when I'm home alone just to show them who's boss. That'll teach them to leave me home alone and go have fun without me. Humans. Geesh. But they still put me in the crate during the week when they're at work. So I guess I should be grateful that they let me stay out of my crate when they go out on the weekends. But I'll never tell them that. I'm still the boss.

Monday, July 03, 2006

I've Been a Bad Bad Boy

When will they learn? I'm just a dog. Why do they keep expecting me to act like a human? Mommy's been leaving her work bag on the floor by the door again. There's something in there that smells good. And as soon as they leave the house, I high-tail it on over there to check it out. She thinks she's being so clever because she closes the clasp. But I have my ways. I can be very persistent when I want to be. While she was away at Grandma's and Grandpa's, I got into it and pulled out her pens, business cards, and Post-It flags and chewed on all of them. They all smelled like the yummy yummy bubble gum and I figured maybe they'd taste like it, too. But alas, they were quite bland and I got yelled at when Daddy got home. Then she closes it up again but leaves it on the floor. So of course, as soon as they leave, I drag it under the table (that's my lair when I like to take all my prey) and pull out an empty Ziplock bag. It had peanuts in it but I must have been too late. Damn! But that's OK. Idiots left out a Frappucino cup (partly full) on the end table and I had a party with that 'til they came home. I thought I was being clever because I hid the cup under the sofa after I was done. But the damn straw managed to stay out on the rug. Traitor!