I've led quite a life and traveled many places. The latest stop seems to be with two humans who adore me. I wonder if I get to stay here or where I'll get shipped next. In any case, they adore me and you will, too. Bow to me!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Pet Me, It's My Birthday!

I had a great birthday today. Even though they don't know how old I am, they still treat me well. I got to go for a ride in Mommy's convertible and it was great. Normally, they roll the window down a bit so I can get some air, but in this car, the air comes to me. It was actually kinda weird. I snorted a lot but I also didn't have to strain to get my nose out the window. I could just sit back, relax and let the wind blow all over me. It was great! Then, they took me to 3 Dog Bakery and picked out a nice peanut butter cake with peanut butter icing. Of course, they only let me have a third of it and I had to eat it politely out of my dog bowl. But of course, I scarfed it down without even chewing. Maybe they'll give me another piece of it later. And then I'll make Daddy cradle me extra-long on the couch and rub my chest until I fall asleep.

This weekend, I get to visit Grandma and Grandpa. I'm so excited because this means I'll get extra attention and Grandma will pet me for like hours on end. Maybe they'll take me on walks around the neighborhood so I can sniff for rabbits and look for some cats to cuddle with. Sounds lame, I know, but this is what I look forward to. That and the hope that I'll get more treats while I'm up there. They love to spoil me (don't tell Mommy and Daddy).