I've led quite a life and traveled many places. The latest stop seems to be with two humans who adore me. I wonder if I get to stay here or where I'll get shipped next. In any case, they adore me and you will, too. Bow to me!

Monday, January 02, 2006


Look at me! I'm jaunty! That's right, just look at me in my jaunty bandana. I got that as a holiday present when I went for my bath last week. It's been a great week. Mommy and Daddy have been on vacation which means that I haven't had to go into the crate for quite some time. But tomorrow they go back to work which means back in the crate during the day for me. And they said they were going to take me for a walk today since it was warm but it started raining so those plans were dashed. But at least they're giving me treats when I'm a good boy and take my eyedrops and ointment. Only a couple more days of that then I'll be home free.

So since it's the new year and all, I guess I should make some goals. Here are a couple off the top of my head:

* get out on more walks so I can sniff stuff other then the same ol' boring stuff in our yard

* learn how to climb like a cat so I can get into more food on the counters. Maybe I can learn how to jump higher

* put on the charm more so I can get more peanut butter, although now I keep hearing talks about "diet" this and "less treats" that

* get Mommy and Daddy to play with me and my toys more often

* sneak my way onto the bed more often

Here's to a new year full of delicious opportunities!


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