I've led quite a life and traveled many places. The latest stop seems to be with two humans who adore me. I wonder if I get to stay here or where I'll get shipped next. In any case, they adore me and you will, too. Bow to me!

Sunday, January 08, 2006

I'm Bored

Like I really needed to title this entry. Just look at the picture. Not much going on this week. I'm still waiting for Mommy and Daddy to take me out on all these walks they promised me. They told me today would be the day since it's going to be warmer and perhaps sunny. For some reason, they didn't want to walk me this week out in the rain. But that's ok, since I don't like to get my fur wet unless I really gotta go burn a mule, if you know what I mean. At least I'm done taking all of my medicine. I didn't like the eyedrops too much. Every time Mommy gave them to me, I'd close my eye right when the drop was coming down but then she'd open it herself and then rub the eye so it would go in. Sneaky woman. Meanwhile, Daddy would help hold me but he had to look away since it was too graphic for him. Hee hee. Then she'd wipe the ointment on my pee pee which I thought was just weird. Why was she rubbing my pee pee? I really don't have those kinds of feelings for her. But who cares cuz they'd give me a little treat after (just a little tiny Jump and Sit Bit, so nothing too substantial in case you all were thinking that I was packing on the pounds this week. I wish.).

Now that's all over and I'm just knockin' around. Although they played with my toys and me more this week which was fun. I like it when they play with me. I don't like it when they leave me and go God-knows-where for hours on end. When it's just a short time or when it's on the weekend, they let me stay out of my crate and roam the house. Unfortunately, they put anything yummy out of reach. I think they've caught on to my M.O. But where do they go? And don't they realize that I'm wondering each time if they'll ever come back? Has not anyone caught on yet to the fact that I may have some tiny issues regarding security and abandonnement? Well, so far they've always come back and each time they leave they give me a little treat to distract me so I guess I really shouldn't complain. Actually, when I see they are leaving, I know the treat's coming and I get all excited. I sit, because I know that's what I have to do to get the treat, but at the same time I'm so excited that I have to alternately tap my two front paws on the ground and fidget. When I do this, they call me Chicken Feet because apparently I push down on the ground so hard with my front two paws that the toes splay out and they look like chicken feet. Like I care. Just give me something yummy!


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