Back in the Crate
I can't believe it's been two months since I updated. OK, maybe I can believe it. I get in these lazy spurts where I just don't want to make the effort to write. Sometimes after I spend all day sleeping and licking and scratching, I'm just too exhausted to come up with a witty entry. But I have lots to update about so go get a cup of coffee and settle in!
First of all, Mommy left for two whole weeks at the end of January and went to Vietnam with her family. Daddy and I were pretty lonely back here in the states. I did a lot of moping and sitting on the couch with Daddy. We watched a lot of TV. She finally came home and I was so relieved! She had been gone so long I wasn't sure she was coming back. She told me about all the dogs over there and how differently they're treated. Needless to say, I probably would not last a week in Vietnam. The dogs all live outside and no one pets them. And they don't get to eat a lot since their families have to worry about feeding themselves first. Plus, they have to worry about scorpions. Yikes! Mommy said she pet one of her cousin's dogs and it was scared at first because it didn't know why she was trying to touch it. How sad! Man, am I spoiled. It's great!
Then, I had to wear the stinkin' cone forever. The bare patch on my leg from my surgery was bothering me so I kept licking it. They put me in the cone and put some cream on it which didn't help so I had to get it cultured and turns out it was some sort of fungus so then they had to switch creams and also drizzle some antifungal medicine on my food everyday. But I didn't mind, it was chicken flavored. mmmmm....chicken........... But I digress. Anyway, that thing finally healed and my hair grew back. They finally let me out of the cone when I could prove to them that I could go all day without licking it. It seemed like an eternity. If I were a Vietnamese dog, I'd probably have licked my leg off by now. Either that or I'd be entirely bald. I don't think they would spring for a leg culture and doggy meds over there!
At the end of February, they left me for about 4 days to go to New Orleans for some conference. But I got to stay with my friend Lori and her dog Zoe so I didn't mind. Zoe is nice and lets me play with all her toys. Rather, I take all her toys and she doesn't put up a fight. We get along well. Plus, I get some treats over there so I don't mind being away from home for a few days. I even hit the jackpot and found some food in the yard one morning when I went out to pee. Some crazy person must have actually thrown it away. I went back to that spot every day after that but for some reason, food didn't magically appear there again. Sigh...
I think I have Spring Fever. I'm getting restless and haven't been on many walks because of the long winter. I started taking it out on the house whenever I was left alone. One day, I was bored so I decided to rip apart a DVD box next to the TV. I'd never paid attention to DVD boxes before, but what can I say? I was bored. Daddy was not happy about that. He took a picture and sent it to the company to see if they'd give him a replacement. Good luck with that. Then he called me a racist because it was the cover to a season of the Cosby Show. I'm not racist. Look at me! I'm black, too! A week later, my lucky break occurred. They left for a few hours and I noticed a box containing about 13 boxes of snack bars they had recently bought. The suckers left one corner kind of hanging off the edge of the table so I just had to jump and jump and eventually, it fell off and it was feeding frenzy time for me! Unfortunately, they weren't the peanut butter ones so I only ate a few boxes. They were not happy when they came home. They were even madder when they saw that I had knocked down the baby gate to the upstairs and had wandered up there, too. But you see, I had to stash some of the bars for later. I hid some in the master walk-in closet and behind the couch cushions. My plan was to save them for later. I tried digging one out of the master closet and eating it but Mommy caught me and took it away. Party pooper. Then, they found one that I had hidden behind the couch cushion. I thought I had hidden it well since you couldn't tell that the cushion had moved but they heard the crinkling when they leaned against it. Oh well. They left later that night and I pulled out another one I had hidden (they still don't know where I hid it, I was that good) and ate it up. I also knocked the baby gate down again so I could check out that closet again to see if there were any left. Well, when they came home they were pretty mad again so now whenever they leave I have to go in my crate. Oh well. At least it has a comfy blanket and some toys. Could be worse. I could be fending for myself outside while fighting off scorpions. Grody!