I've led quite a life and traveled many places. The latest stop seems to be with two humans who adore me. I wonder if I get to stay here or where I'll get shipped next. In any case, they adore me and you will, too. Bow to me!

Friday, December 21, 2007

Nothing to Report

I am bored out of my gourd.  Winter sucks.  And it didn't officially start until today.  I have been cooped up in the house, mostly.  They let me out in the side yard a few times a day to use the bathroom.  But other than that, it's couch-surfing for me.  It's been cold and wet so they haven't been taking me out on walks.  A dog can only lick his butt and scratch his ears for so long.  Then he gets bored.  So to amuse myself, I have been getting gifts out from under the tree and unwrapping them, tearing open the bags of bows and wrapping supplies that are piled up on the ground and basically annoying Mommy and Daddy to no end.  Then Daddy was silly enough to set a shipping box of pretzels on the ground and leave for 30 minutes.  Don't they know me by now?  It was a thick cardboard box but that didn't keep me from tearing off a corner and then tearing into one of the individual boxes inside that contained yummy, salty pretzels.  Of course, he came home a little earlier than I thought he would so I was caught in the act:  surrounded by pretzel debris and a ticker tape parade of torn-up bags.  I got in trouble for that.  He wasn't going to give me any dinner that night, but in the end, he understood that I'm just a dog and that's what I do.  So I got to eat.  Maybe they'll accidentally leave a turkey or a pumpkin pie or something similar on the ground the next time they go out.  A dog can only dream...