I've led quite a life and traveled many places. The latest stop seems to be with two humans who adore me. I wonder if I get to stay here or where I'll get shipped next. In any case, they adore me and you will, too. Bow to me!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Spring Has Sprung but Don't Expect Me To

Finally, it was warm for more than two days in a row. And the sun came out! And I got to go on a walk! We're talking outside of the side yard-sniffin' the bushes-antagonizing all the indoor dogs whose yards I peed in-poopin' under a tree kind of walk! Yes, this is the highlight of my life currently. Don't laugh. You wish your life was this dull. While you suckers are dragging your butts out the door in the wee hours of the morning to work cursing your lives, I'm debating whether I should curl up on the bed and lick my nonexistent balls or curl up on the couch and lick my nonexistent balls. Then again, I'm at the mercy of the humans. They could make my life miserable if they wanted to. So instead I lie in wait for the two bright moments of the day when I get my tiny ration of food and scarf it down in about 10 seconds. Poop. But knock on wood, I've still got my health.


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