I've led quite a life and traveled many places. The latest stop seems to be with two humans who adore me. I wonder if I get to stay here or where I'll get shipped next. In any case, they adore me and you will, too. Bow to me!

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Happy Easter from the Easter Beagle!

We just got back from Grandma and Grandpa's house. It was a long drive home because it was raining really hard and Mommy and Daddy had to drive slowly and were scared. Not me. I was worn out from all the festivities so I just hopped right into the back seat, collapsed, and didn't get up until we got home. I must have been exhausted from the sugar high. When will they ever learn? I was at Grandma and Grandpa's this morning in the kitchen where they were making coffee. They had some coconut cream pie on the kitchen table and Grandma left her chair pulled out for a second. Well, you know me. I waste no time seizing an opportunity when I see one. They turned their backs for about 10 seconds during which I jumped up on the chair. Next thing you know, they're exclaiming with shock at seeing me with my back paws on the chair and my front paws in the plate, eating the piece of pie as fast as I could. Because as soon as I heard them, I knew I only had a few seconds before they came to pull me down. Even as they were pulling me away, I took a big chunk into my mouth and kept chewing it as fast as I could, since I figured by time they got me off the chair and got to my mouth, I would have the thing swallowed. I got some whipped cream on Grandma's new chair but I think the upholstery is easy-clean. Mmmm, pie. Mmmm, whipped cream. I got some on my front paws from having them on the dish and I spent many happy minutes after licking them clean just like a kitty.

Later they went to church and put me in the laundry room and put up a baby gate to keep me in. Fools. As soon as they left, I just kept throwing myself against it until I was able to push it down. Unfortunately, they hadn't left anything tasty around the house within reach so I basically just laid around until they got home. But later I got to see the rest of the family at Easter dinner. All in all, a fairly productive weekend. But I fear they're going to make my diet even stricter the next couple days so that I don't gain any weight. Rats!


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