I've led quite a life and traveled many places. The latest stop seems to be with two humans who adore me. I wonder if I get to stay here or where I'll get shipped next. In any case, they adore me and you will, too. Bow to me!

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Where's the Beef?

The 'rents got a new grill and my new past time is pretending like I need to go outside then hiding out on the porch after they stop looking so I can jump up on a patio chair and eat the crumbs in the warming tray under the grill. Just because they're burnt beyond recognition into chunks of carbon doesn't stop me. For heaven's sake, I eat grass! Which I must say, is sweeter than usual this season. Must be all the lovely rain we're having. Of course, the trade off is that I hate walking on wet grass so I resort to pooping on the sidewalk in the yard instead of the grass. What do I care if people walking by our fence see a poop-riddled sidewalk? I'm just a dog, I can't help myself. It's my parents that'll be judged, hee hee.

They've been leaving me in the crate now whenever they go out because apparently, I can't be trusted. I have no idea where they got that from but I actually don't mind the crate. It's comfy, safe and I get to play with my snowman. I love my snowman. I don't care if he's eviscerated and a dirty shade of gray (he used to be white). He's all mine. When Mommy gets home from work, I get excited and I run into my crate to get my snowman so she'll play with me. I don't get to see her a lot since she's at work and I miss her.

I love summer. I've been going on so many walks, I get to sniff all kinds of crazy stuff. The other day I was sure I was on the path of a rabbit. I started whining and squealing. It felt good to track again. Then, my friend Zoe and I went on a walk through the Butler Holcomb gardens and I was really worn out afterward. And today, Mommy and Daddy jogged with me on our walk. Sure beats laying around inside all winter. Or does it?


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