I've led quite a life and traveled many places. The latest stop seems to be with two humans who adore me. I wonder if I get to stay here or where I'll get shipped next. In any case, they adore me and you will, too. Bow to me!

Friday, November 16, 2007

I'm in Trouble

I was a bad boy. And I think I'm going to be grounded for a while. But it wasn't my fault, really. How many times do I have to tell everyone that I'm a dog and if I have the choice, I'm going to act like one. So here's what happened:

Daddy got a shipment of several boxes from Weight Watchers (WW). They piled them by the front door while they went to get dinner. Little did they know, one of those boxes contained several boxes of WW snack bars. And several of those bars were peanut butter chocolate chip flavor. That's right, I said peanut butter. And you all know how I feel about that sweet, sweet spread. Well, they must have thought it was just another box of pamphlets so they left it by the door when they left. But I know better. I'm a hound and even under all those layers of cardboard, individual boxes and wrappers I could tell what was in there. And I wasn't about to let such a good opportunity pass me by. So after they left, I tore into that box. It took me a while to get through the cardboard and tape, but once I got past that, I was home free. Inside were several boxes of bars of various flavors of bars. Since I have such a great nose, I could pick out the peanut butter boxes and leave all the other flavors behind. And man, was it good. But then they came home and saw the carnage spread across the living room. And they were not happy. And then they found the two half-eaten bars I had hidden behind the sofa cushions. I was not happy about that. I was planning on eating those later. Mommy sat me down and told me how disappointed she was in me. I feel bad. I've been slinking around the house out of guilt. And my belly is really big. But I'm sure I'll be hungry in an hour. Can I have a snack?


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