I've led quite a life and traveled many places. The latest stop seems to be with two humans who adore me. I wonder if I get to stay here or where I'll get shipped next. In any case, they adore me and you will, too. Bow to me!

Friday, September 28, 2007

It Ain't Easy Being Me

Sometimes I wonder what my purpose in life is. I used to be a hunter and was appreciated for my skills in tracking rabbits. But it was a hard and lonely life so I left for greener pastures. Unfortunately, that led to some harder times but eventually I found some friends and started to get the attention and love I deserve. And that led to me finding Mommy and Daddy and now I'm really happy. But some days I wonder if I should be doing more. Sometimes I'm lonely during the day. Sometimes I wish I could spend more time outdoors. I guess I get a little whiny.

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But then I think about what my life used to be: sleeping out in the cold, no affection bestowed on me other than for catching a rabbit, no one-on-one time with humans; then on to living with other dogs and cats, which was nice but I wanted something more. Then I found Mommy and Daddy. Now I have a whole house to myself and no one I have to share my toys with. I can eat my food without having to worry about someone else grabbing it from me and eating it themselves. They let me sleep inside at night on my own pillow where it's warm and I can hear them breathing softly. They let me sit on the couch next to them and pet me for no other reason other than I'm me and they love me. And sometimes they even take me on walks and give me treats (although not nearly often enough) or let me ride in the car, hanging my head out the window so my ears can fly in the breeze and the wind can tousle my fur. So I guess it ain't all that hard being me. I have it pretty good. That's something to lie on the floor and smile about on a Friday afternoon:

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Blogger Kate said...

I came over here from Beth's place to see what a sleep board is (the ones you're having in 4 weeks)

Well? They sound wonderful, not stressful. Good, hard beds are much better than those overstuffed suffocating feathery things.

10:57 AM


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