I've led quite a life and traveled many places. The latest stop seems to be with two humans who adore me. I wonder if I get to stay here or where I'll get shipped next. In any case, they adore me and you will, too. Bow to me!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Turkey Time

Today was a good day. Mommy and Daddy slept in until almost 8:30 and didn't set the alarm. Then, we got to lay around, watch the parade and they read the paper. The sun was shining on the couch on me and it was warm and soothing. It made me remember what I am grateful for - having a comfortable home, loving owners, food to eat, toys to play with, my own bed and my own yard that I don't have to share with anyone else. I even got a little bit of turkey dropped into my bowl. Now if they would only drop that bird carcass on the floor, I'd really be thankful...


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