I've led quite a life and traveled many places. The latest stop seems to be with two humans who adore me. I wonder if I get to stay here or where I'll get shipped next. In any case, they adore me and you will, too. Bow to me!

Sunday, August 07, 2005

What I Did This Summer

I had the best time this weekend! The humans took me on a trip to the parents' house. I got to run around in the yard and in the park behind the house where rabbits live. I didn't see any but I could sure smell them and followed many scents and trails happily. At home, in the city, I don't get to have such experiences. On Saturday, the humans left me to go to Chicago but I got to stay with my grandma and grandpa. I like to see them because that gives me four more hands to pet me all day long. They left me for a while and when they came home, I had pushed two of the chairs from the dining table all the way up against the wall and they still can't figure out how I did it. You should never wonder how a pasha can do such things, but just accept them as I am powerful and clever. They left me a second time and this time when they came home, I was curled up asleep in the middle of the kitchen table. When they saw me, I looked up briefly with a sleepy face but quickly returned to slumber. They couldn't coax me down so they had to pick me up. I don't know why they thought that I would just jump down for them, like some common peasant when I am the pasha. Jeez.

The grandma (who is Vietnamese) made some yummy egg rolls and fried rice for dinner and she even cut one up for me and let me have it. The humans usually don't let me have people food but they were saying something about roots and culture and tradition or something and made an exception. Whatever. I was too busy eating to pay attention. Alas, after about 10 seconds it was gone and there was no more.

Two little girls came to the house (I think they are the female human's neices) and played with me all day long. They drew pictures of me with sidewalk chalk and wrote my name in big letters. Pretty standard pasha-idolizing stuff. Boy, was I tired after this weekend. On the two hour car ride home, I slept the whole way in the back seat and didn't even make a noise. That is, until I passed a couple of horses and carriages and began to bark vigorously at them while driving by. Now that's the way to spend a weekend.


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