I've led quite a life and traveled many places. The latest stop seems to be with two humans who adore me. I wonder if I get to stay here or where I'll get shipped next. In any case, they adore me and you will, too. Bow to me!

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

So what if I lick my butt, you got a problem wit dat?

Well, here I am, enjoying one of my favorite pasttimes. I can chew on that sucker for hours! I love chewing on my foot. My owners think it must have peanut butter or something in it for me to want to chew on it for a prolonged period of time. I like to really get into it and snake my tongue in between the toes and then take the whole thing in my mouth and gnaw on it. I bet you're jealous just thinking about it. Well, too bad! You can't have any of my peanut butter foot. Get your own.

Other things that I like:
  • Rolling around on my back on the carpet
  • Playing with my squeaky toys. Sometimes I fake them out and leave them alone for a few minutes then run and pounce on them when they least expect it
  • Lying on top of the couch (see previous entries)
  • Drinking water very sloppily, splashing it everywhere around my water bowl so that the humans have given up trying to keep the placemat and surrounding floor dry
  • Sleeping. Like I really have anything else to do around the house. For Christs sake, they're gone all day at work and I'm in my crate
  • Waiting on the landing at the bottom of the stairs when the male human comes home so I can be pet immediately after he walks in the door
  • Stretching. A lot.
  • Chasing any and all bugs that I see on the floor, biting them and spitting them out repeatedly until they die, then eating them
  • Going for walks so I can sniff all kinds of new and unusual stuff
  • Being pet by anyone and if you stop, I'll nudge your hand so you keep going. Either that or just get up on the couch next to you and lean heavily against your arm until you pet me
  • Barking at other dogs that walk by my fence. Otherwise, I don't bark or howl, even when the doorbell rings
Those are the main likes. If any of you are interested, my birthday is coming up soon so I'll make sure to compile a gift list. No gift is too small or too yummy!


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